Fenugreek Medicinal Qualities

Fenugreek is good for womens reproductive health and for diabetes.

Fenugreek is an herb where its leaves and seeds are more typically as a culinary spice especially in the Mediterranean where it is more commonly found. Yet, fenugreek is not only for cooking as it is also a good home remedy for varied health problems especially in some countries in South Asia, Greece, Egypt and Italy.

Health Benefits

Also known as either Fenigreek or Greek Hay, Fenugreek is a good source of Vitamin C, protein, potassium, niacin and diosgenin or a compound which is similar to estrogen.  The properties of diosgenin exhibiting estrogen-like properties are responsible for its effective ability in reducing the effects of PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome and menopause which commonly include mood fluctuations, menstrual cramps and hot flushes.

In relation to that, it is also known to have been used for a variety of related ailments and health problems.  Fenugreek has been used to induce labor and help in breast enlargement issues.  It has also been used for the treatment of hormonal disorders and other reproductive health problems.

However, aside from the reproductive health focused remedy of this herb, it is also good for other ailments as it helps in lowering blood sugar level making an effective remedy for diabetes, both the type 1 and type 2 kinds.  With its ability to also to bring down blood cholesterol levels, the potential to be used for treatment in cardiovascular diseases is being looked into.

Using Fenugreek for Health

For maintaining cholesterol levels, it  has been found out by numerous studies that 2 ounces or 56 g of fenugreek seed a day taken for 24 weeks could maintain a lower blood cholesterol level and therefore lessen the risk of heart attack.  Fenugreek is available in capsule form or the seeds can be sprinkled on prepared food.

In the treatment of diabetes and lowering of the blood glucose levels, the recommended dosage is 500 mg of fenugreek to be consumed twice in a day.

For those who desire a bigger breast without going through breast augmentation procedure, include 3 mg of this herb in the daily diet.  However, this is not be taken by pregnant women as it is known to induce labor but it is good for lactating mothers as it dramatically improves milk production.

Side Effects

Fenugreek is generally safe except for pregnant women because it induces labor.  However, there has been report of nausea and gastrointestinal discomfort.  It is also important to remember that if fenugreek will be taken with oral medications, observe 2 hours before or after taking the drug as the herb has the risk to interfere with the absorption of the medicine.